Personalized hair loss treatments for men & women

Personalized hair loss treatments for men & women

Get the most effective prescription strength hair loss treatment, formulated by the world’s leading robotic hair restoration surgeons at Barber Surgeons Guild®, delivered to you.

US-licensed health care professionals
Licensed pharmacy
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Why choose Blends®

Blends® capsules and topicals are made to order in small batches from proprietary formulas carefully crafted by our hair restoration physicians and laboratory pharmacists.
We exist offline too – come visit us in NYC or LA!
Founded by physicians specializing in hair restoration, not by venture capital.
We're a results-driven, patient-first company, rooted in medical ethics.

Personalized and proven hair thickening treatments, once exclusive to patients in our physical locations, are now available here!


Prevent hair loss and GROW

With the most effective pharmaceutical + natural ingredients

We believe there are great benefits in both Pharmaceuticals as well as Vitamins and Minerals when it comes to the good fight against hair thinning.  We created Blends® to be the most comprehensive treatment against hair loss by combining the most effective medicines with the most important supplements.


Hair Vitamins
& Minerals


What it is?
Finasteride, the active ingredient in Propecia®, decreases DHT, the main metabolic culprit causing pattern hair loss.
What makes ours unique:
In oral form, we use a low dose of finasteride which has been shown to have similar efficacy as the standard dose, with less risk of side effects.
The science:
Finasteride decreases DHT production as a temporary inhibitor of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase. As DHT is largely responsible the process of hair loss in men and women, lowering DHT levels result in a reversal of hair loss, and hair growth.


What it is?
Dutasteride, similar to Finasteride, decreases DHT, the main metabolic culprit causing pattern hair loss.  Dutasteride is a stronger DHT blocker than Finasteride.
What makes ours unique:
In oral form, we use 0.65mg of Dutasteride as an extra strength ingredient to combat even the most significant male and female pattern hair loss. In topical form we use Dutasteride over Finasteride as it is a larger molecule and is much less likely to enter the bloodstream, which makes it a great option for anyone who is sensitive to lowering blood DTH levels.
The science:
Dutasteride decreases DHT production as a temporary inhibitor of two versions of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase enzyme lowering DHT levels by around 85%, vs Finasteride which acts only on one version and lowers DHT levels by around 70%. As DHT is largely responsible for the process of hair loss in men and women, lowering DHT levels result in a reversal of hair loss, and hair growth.


What it is?
Minoxidil increases the blood flow to the metabolically active hair follicles which helps to promote hair growth.
What makes ours unique:
For topical application, we use Rx strength Minoxidil at 7.5% concentration, which is higher than the standard 5% used in OTC products and 6% used in other Rx products.  We also use a preservative free and alcohol free preparation which is much more gentle on the scalp that most minoxidil preparations out there, both OTC and Rx.  You will never find harsh ingredients such as propylene glycol (antifreeze) in our high quality minoxidil.  For oral use in men, we find that 1mg is the ideal dose for Low Dose Oral Minoxidil (LDOM).  For women, we find that 0.25mg, also known as Very Low Dose Oral Minoxidil (VLDOM) is highly effective and very low risk for the unwanted side effect of growing body hair.
The science:
Minoxidil is a vasodilator, meaning it increases blood flow to the tissues.  By doing so it also can lower the blood pressure, which was it’s original use.  It’s effect on blood pressure and other side effects can be minimized with the use of Low Dose Oral Minoxidil, and/or topical use of Minoxidil.


What it is?
Tretinoin is a medication related to Vitamin A which is commonly used at higher doses to treat acne, dark spots, and wrinkles.
What makes ours unique:
At lower doses we use Tretinoin to make the scalp slightly more permeable to allow the other active ingredients to penetrate into the deeper layers of skin to the level of the hair follicles instead of being left on the surface.
The science:
Tretinoin is a prescription medication that can be used at a specific low dosage to help topical medications have a greater effect by aiding in the delivery of active ingredients to their targets deeper in the skin.


What it is?
Latanoprost is a medication primarily used as eyedrops for the treatment of elevated eye pressure, but recent studies have shown its effectiveness in promoting hair growth after it was commonly observed to have the side effect of increasing eyelash growth.
What makes ours unique:
Our formulation leverages the hair growth properties of Latanoprost. Applied topically, it can stimulate hair follicle activity and promote thicker, fuller hair, particularly beneficial for those with thinning hair.
The science:
Latanoprost is a prostaglandin analog. It's believed to extend the anagen phase (growth phase) of the hair cycle, resulting in longer, denser hair growth.


What it is?
Ketoconazole is an antifungal medication widely used in topical treatments for various scalp conditions, including dandruff and dermatitis, which can contribute to hair loss. Ketoconazole is the active ingredient in Nizoral® shampoo.
What makes ours unique:
In our topical formulations, Ketoconazole is used for its anti-inflammatory properties, reducing scalp irritation and creating a healthier environment for hair growth.
The science:
Ketoconazole works by disrupting the cell membrane of fungi, effectively treating fungal infections that can affect scalp health. Its anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties help in maintaining a healthy scalp, indirectly aiding in reducing hair loss and promoting hair growth.

Biotin (Vitamin B7)

What it is?
Biotin, also known as Vitamin B7, is a crucial B-vitamin that plays a vital role in the health of hair, skin, and nails.
What makes ours unique:
Our products emphasize the importance of biotin in promoting healthy hair growth by focusing on its role in keratin production, which is essential for strong and healthy hair.
The science:
Biotin contributes to the production of keratin, a fundamental protein that makes up hair. Adequate levels of biotin are necessary to maintain good hair strength and texture.

Folate (Vitamin B9)

What it is?
Folate, also known as Vitamin B9, is a vital nutrient for general health, particularly in cell growth and DNA synthesis.
What makes ours unique:
Our focus is on the critical role of folate in hair health, emphasizing its necessity for the synthesis of DNA, which is integral in the healthy development of hair follicles.
The science:
Folate's involvement in cell growth and DNA synthesis directly impacts the health and growth of hair, making it an essential nutrient for maintaining healthy hair.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

What it is?
Vitamin B6, also known as Pyridoxine, is a crucial nutrient for various bodily functions, including energy metabolism.
What makes ours unique:
Our products leverage the unique ability of Vitamin B6 to block androgen protein receptors on hair follicles, providing a dual benefit of promoting hair growth and energy provision.
The science:
Vitamin B6 not only helps in blocking harmful receptors on hair follicles but also plays a role in energy metabolism, essential for hair growth and health.

Vitamin D

What it is?
Vitamin D is commonly recognized for its role in bone health and immune function.
What makes ours unique:
We include a specific dose of 2000 IU of Vitamin D3 in our capsules to ensure sufficient daily intake for hair health, eliminating the need for additional Vitamin D supplements.
The science:
Vitamin D plays a role in the creation and maintenance of new hair follicles. Its presence is crucial for hair regeneration and overall scalp health.

Vitamin C

What it is?
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant known for its role in boosting immunity and skin health.
What makes ours unique:
Our approach highlights the lesser-known benefit of Vitamin C in collagen production, which is crucial for hair strength and growth.
The science:
Collagen is an essential protein for hair health, and Vitamin C is vital for collagen synthesis. This connection underscores the importance of Vitamin C in maintaining healthy hair.


What it is?
Selenium is an essential mineral known for its antioxidant properties.
What makes ours unique:
We carefully balance selenium levels in our products to maximize its benefits for hair growth while avoiding the potential hair loss associated with excessive intake.
The science:
Selenium contributes to the health of the hair, but it must be balanced correctly, as both deficiency and excess can lead to hair loss.


What it is?
Zinc is a vital mineral known for its immune-boosting and wound-healing properties.
What makes ours unique:
We focus on the essential role of zinc in promoting healthy hair growth. Adequate zinc levels are necessary to prevent hair loss and maintain hair health.
The science:
Zinc is crucial for hair tissue growth and repair. It also helps keep the oil glands around the follicles working properly, essential for hair growth.

Vitamin B5

What it is?
Vitamin B5, essential for overall health, is particularly significant for hair and skin health.
What makes ours unique:
We emphasize the importance of Vitamin B5 in strengthening hair. Our products are designed to maintain optimal B5 levels to prevent hair shedding and promote hair resilience.
The science:
Vitamin B5 plays a crucial role in the health and strength of hair. Low levels of this vitamin can lead to hair weakening and shedding, highlighting its importance in hair care.


What it is?
Methionine is an essential amino acid, crucial for various metabolic processes.
What makes ours unique:
Our products include methionine for its specific benefits in extending the hair growth phase, thereby promoting fuller and healthier hair.
The science:
Methionine is known to prolong the anagen phase of the hair growth cycle, which is crucial for maintaining a full and healthy head of hair.

Results from our patients

After 6 month

Amazing! You’re a GD lifesaver. When I was looking at the photos I’m blown away by how effective this is!

— Emily S.
After 6 month

I'm extremely happy with my results so far and look forward for more!

— Kent T.
After 6 month

Passionate about their work and dedicated to customer satisfaction. I really like the results and feel they did a great job.

— Edward O.
After 6 month

I am overjoyed with the outcomes achieved so far and eagerly anticipate more positive transformations ahead!

— Sarah B.
After 6 month

Dr. Rome and I saw eye to eye on exactly what I wanted and I couldn't be happier with my results!! I feel so much more confident in my look.

— Michael P.

Do you want the same result?

Get started with our personalized and proven hair thickening compounds!


Hair thinning in men & women occurs for different reasons. Learn how we target the root causes of each.

learn more

Hair thinning in men & women occurs for different reasons. Learn how we target the root causes of each.

learn more

How it works

We kept it simple

Select your 90 day supply

Choose a 90 day supply of Blends® topical, capsules, or both. Why 90 days? It takes this long for results, so stick with it!


Complete checkout

Upon checking out, answer some quick questions about your medical history and securely upload photos for our clinicians to review, and to verify your identity


Medical approval

A Blends® Clinician will review your requested order to ensure it is safe and effective.  If for any reason your order isn’t approved, your charge will be reversed. Upon approval, your order will process and you can track status and chat with your clinician by logging into your Blends® account


Get results

Your Blends® order will ship directly to you. Use as directed and you can expect to see results in as early as 3 months

Select your treatment plan

Make your selection to get started


What to expect

1-2 months

While it may seem like there’s no change in your hair at first, the medications are working. It is important to stay consistent with your treatment to allow for results to soon follow. Sometimes there is initial shedding, which is perfectly normal and allows for stronger new hairs to take their place.

3-6 months

Visible results are typically noticed by this time. The hair should be thicker, healthier, and grow faster. Keep it up, it only gets better from here!

6-12 months

Maximum effect is noticed during this period. Hair loss will now be greatly reduced, and the thinning you had should be much improved.

12 months +

While your results are typically fully realized by this time, it’s very important to continue your treatment to maintain your results. Some people will want more results than can't be obtained by medications alone. In these cases, we encourage you to meet virtually or in-person with one of our clinicians to discuss additional therapies that you may benefit from.


Synergistic Strength

Blends® Capsules & Topicals, effective on their own, formulated for combined use

Blends® has you covered (literally 🙂) whether you prefer capsules or topicals… for very best results, try both together.

Select your sex assigned at birth to view your options below

Why is my sex assigned at birth important?

Why is my sex assigned at birth important?

"Male pattern" vs "Female pattern" hair loss patterns are often caused by hormones which differ between the sexes, and require some different medications and special considerations. Sex assigned at birth refers to given sex, not gender identification.
Special considerations for transgender men and women

Special considerations for transgender men and women

Trans-Men and Trans-Women who are not on hormonal therapy, and have not had gender-affirming surgery that alters their hormones, will benefit from the standard treatments displayed when selecting their sex assigned at birth.
For Trans Men/Women on hormonal therapy or post hormonally modifying surgery experiencing hair loss, we encourage you to make a free virtual/zoom - or in person - consultation with one of our Hair Restoration Surgeons at Barber Surgeons Guild® to learn more about your medical and surgical options before ordering any medications online that may impact your treatment. Special considerations are listed below, but more value will be obtained from a proper consultation where we can spend the time to review your full history and devote the proper attention to your case.
Trans-Men on hormonal therapy are at increased risk for DHT mediated hair loss just as their Cis-Male counterparts, especially when there is a family history of men with hair loss. Finasteride containing medications help here, however there are unique risks to be aware of including but not limited to: risk of reversing facial hair growth, and risk of menstrual cycle returning. Hair restoration is often helpful for Trans-men in treating male pattern baldness, adding more beard density, and masculinizing the hairline shape.
Trans-Women on either hormonal therapy or post-orchiectomy, are at low risk for future hair loss, and often their therapies have helped their hair. For hair loss acquired prior to transitioning, medical and/or surgical treatments are often helpful.

Buy Our Products Now and Bid Farewell to Hair Loss!

SAVE $20 with Topical + Capsules Combo!

Unlock the full potential of hair rejuvenation. This synergistic combination delivers the best possible results.

Get a 90 day supply:
Starting at: $190

Hair Blends: Topical

A highly effective, preservative and alcohol free Rx-strength hydrating gel that easily massages into the scalp with active ingredients such as: Minoxidil, Dutasteride, Latanoprost, Ketoconazole, & Tretinoin.

Get a 90 day supply:
Starting at: $125

Formulation Options

Growth Topical:





Growth PRO Topical:











Hair Blends are compounded products which are only available if prescribed by a healthcare provider. Our providers will review your medical history and evaluate your condition to ensure the product(s) requested represent your best treatment plan. You will not be charged if you are not prescribed. You will be able to securely chat with your assigned provider via your Blends® login.

Which Formulation is ideal for me?

Growth PRO Topical:

Ideal for treating mild to moderate hair loss

Ideal to help prevent future hair loss

Growth PRO Topical:

Ideal for treating moderate to significant hair loss

Ideal for anyone looking to achieve maximum results

How it works

Minoxidil 7.5%

Prescription strength minoxidil increases blood flow to the metabolically active hair follicles to promote hair growth

Tretinoin 0.0125%

Helps active ingredients access the hair follicles by increasing scalp permeability

Dutasteride 0.1%

Promotes hair growth by lowering DHT, a common culprit of female pattern androgenetic alopecia **

Latanoprost 0.003%

In the same class as the eyelash growth medication Latisse®, it increase the rate of hair growth

Ketoconazole 2%

Improves scalp health and promotes hair growth

How to use

Apply to clean/dry scalp once daily in areas of hair thinning


Patients often notice improvement within 3-6 months, with significant improvement in 6-12 months


After 12 months continue to use to help prevent future hair loss

Works well with

Combine with Hair Blends Capsules for best results

$20 bundle discount automatically applied to orders with Hair Blends Topical + Hair Blends Capsules
Safety Considerations with Hair Blends

Avoid if allergic to any ingredients

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not be in contact with product

Must be taken with adequate birth control and stopped immediately if becoming pregnant

Keep away from pets and children


** Boersma, I. H., Oranje, A. P., Grimalt, R., Iorizzo, M., Piraccini, B. M., & Verdonschot, E. H. (2014). The effectiveness of finasteride and dutasteride used for 3 years in women with androgenetic alopecia. Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology, 80(6), 521-525.

Hair Blends: Capsules

Rx-strength vegetarian capsules with active ingredients such as: Minoxidil & Dutasteride, along with a comprehensive blend of vitamins & nutrients, eliminating the need for additional hair supplements.

Get a 90 day supply:
Starting at: $85

Formulation Options

Growth Capsules:


0.25 mg

Vitamin and Supplement Blend *

Growth PRO Capsules:


0.25 mg


0.65 mg

Vitamin and Supplement Blend *

* Each capsule contains the following vitamins and supplements:

* Biotin, Vitamin D (2,000 IU D3), Folate, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Zinc, Selenium, Methionine

Hair Blends are compounded products which are only available if prescribed by a healthcare provider. Our providers will review your medical history and evaluate your condition to ensure the product(s) requested represent your best treatment plan. You will not be charged if you are not prescribed. You will be able to securely chat with your assigned provider via your Blends® login.

Which Formulation is ideal for me?

Growth Capsules:

Ideal for treating mild to moderate hair loss

Ideal to help prevent future hair loss

Growth PRO Capsules:

Ideal for treating moderate to significant hair loss

Ideal for anyone looking to achieve maximum results

How it works

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients:

Minoxidil 0.25 mg

Oral minoxidil increases blood flow to the metabolically active hair follicles to promote hair growth

Dutasteride 0.65 mg

Promotes hair growth by lowering DHT, a common culprit of female pattern androgenetic alopecia *

Vitamins and Supplements:

Biotin 300 mcg

Biotin aka Vitamin B7 is essential for keratin production

Vitamin C 20 mg

Vitamin C prevents dandruff and aids in collagen production

Vitamin D 2,000 IU

Vitamin D stimulates hair growth and even in sunny climates, deficiency is common. The 2,000 IU of Vitamin D3 represents a complete daily dose

Folate 400 mcg

Folate aka Vitamin B9 - Folate is essential for cell growth, specifically it is essential for DNA synthesis

Vitamin B5 3 mg

Essential for strengthening hair. With low B5 levels hairs will begin to shed

Vitamin B6 1 mg

Aka Pyridoxine directly blocks androgen protein receptors on the hair follicles, as well provides energy that is essential for growth

Zinc 5 mg

Zinc is essential for healthy hair growth. Low zinc levels result in hair loss

Selenium 20 mcg

Selenium is an antioxidant that helps with hair growth

Methionine 10 mg

Methionine, an essential amino acid, has been shown to prolong the hair growth phase

How to use

Take one capsule by mouth once daily


Patients often notice improvement within 3-6 months, with significant improvement in 6-12 months


After 12 months continue to use to help prevent future hair loss

Works well with

Combine with Hair Blends Topical for best results

$20 bundle discount automatically applied to orders with Hair Blends Topical + Hair Blends Capsules
Safety Considerations with Hair Blends

Avoid if allergic to any ingredients

Must be taken with adequate birth control and stopped immediately if becoming pregnant

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not be in contact with product

Keep away from pets and children


** Boersma, I. H., Oranje, A. P., Grimalt, R., Iorizzo, M., Piraccini, B. M., & Verdonschot, E. H. (2014). The effectiveness of finasteride and dutasteride used for 3 years in women with androgenetic alopecia. Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology, 80(6), 521-525.

Why is my sex assigned at birth important?

Why is my sex assigned at birth important?

"Male pattern" vs "Female pattern" hair loss patterns are often caused by hormones which differ between the sexes, and require some different medications and special considerations. Sex assigned at birth refers to given sex, not gender identification.
Special considerations for transgender men and women

Special considerations for transgender men and women

Trans-Men and Trans-Women who are not on hormonal therapy, and have not had gender-affirming surgery that alters their hormones, will benefit from the standard treatments displayed when selecting their sex assigned at birth.
For Trans Men/Women on hormonal therapy or post hormonally modifying surgery experiencing hair loss, we encourage you to make a free virtual/zoom - or in person - consultation with one of our Hair Restoration Surgeons at Barber Surgeons Guild® to learn more about your medical and surgical options before ordering any medications online that may impact your treatment. Special considerations are listed below, but more value will be obtained from a proper consultation where we can spend the time to review your full history and devote the proper attention to your case.
Trans-Men on hormonal therapy are at increased risk for DHT mediated hair loss just as their Cis-Male counterparts, especially when there is a family history of men with hair loss. Finasteride containing medications help here, however there are unique risks to be aware of including but not limited to: risk of reversing facial hair growth, and risk of menstrual cycle returning. Hair restoration is often helpful for Trans-men in treating male pattern baldness, adding more beard density, and masculinizing the hairline shape.
Trans-Women on either hormonal therapy or post-orchiectomy, are at low risk for future hair loss, and often their therapies have helped their hair. For hair loss acquired prior to transitioning, medical and/or surgical treatments are often helpful.

Buy Our Products Now and Bid Farewell to Hair Loss!

SAVE $20 with Topical + Capsules Combo!

Unlock the full potential of hair rejuvenation. This synergistic combination delivers the best possible results.

Get a 90 day supply:
Starting at: $190

Hair Blends: Topical

A highly effective, preservative and alcohol free Rx-strength hydrating gel that easily massages into the scalp with active ingredients such as: Minoxidil, Dutasteride, Latanoprost, Ketoconazole, & Tretinoin.

Get a 90 day supply:
Starting at: $125

Formulation Options

Growth Topical:





Growth PRO Topical:











Hair Blends are compounded products which are only available if prescribed by a healthcare provider. Our providers will review your medical history and evaluate your condition to ensure the product(s) requested represent your best treatment plan. You will not be charged if you are not prescribed. You will be able to securely chat with your assigned provider via your Blends® login.

Which Formulation is ideal for me?

Growth PRO Topical:

Ideal for treating mild to moderate hair loss

Ideal to help prevent future hair loss

Ideal for anyone looking for an effective formulation without a DHT Blocker

Growth PRO Topical:

Ideal for treating moderate to significant hair loss

Ideal for anyone looking to achieve maximum results

Ideal for anyone who has had side effects from a Finasteride based topical but still wants the benefits of a topical DHT Blocker. (Dutasteride is not only more effective than Finasteride, it does not affect the blood DHT levels as Finasteride does.)

How it works

Minoxidil 7.5%

Prescription strength minoxidil increases blood flow to the metabolically active hair follicles to promote hair growth

Tretinoin 0.0125%

Helps active ingredients access the hair follicles by increasing scalp permeability

Dutasteride 0.1%

More effective DHT inhibitor than Finasteride, with the additional benefit of not readily absorbing into the bloodstream due to its larger molecular size

Topical Dutasteride does not lower blood DHT levels* in comparison to Topical Finasteride which lowers blood DHT levels by 35%.**

Latanoprost 0.003%

In the same class as the eyelash growth medication Latisse®, it increase the rate of hair growth

Ketoconazole 2%

Improves scalp health and promotes hair growth

How to use

Avoid if allergic to any ingredients


Patients often notice improvement within 3-6 months, with significant improvement in 6-12 months


After 12 months continue to use to help prevent future hair loss

Works well with

Combine with Hair Blends Capsules for best results

$20 bundle discount automatically applied to orders with Hair Blends Topical + Hair Blends Capsules
Safety Considerations with Hair Blends

Avoid if allergic to any ingredients

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not be in contact with product

Keep away from pets and children


** Boersma, I. H., Oranje, A. P., Grimalt, R., Iorizzo, M., Piraccini, B. M., & Verdonschot, E. H. (2014). The effectiveness of finasteride and dutasteride used for 3 years in women with androgenetic alopecia. Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology, 80(6), 521-525.

** Piraccini BM, Blume-Peytavi U, Scarci F, Jansat JM, Falqués M, Otero R, Tamarit ML, Galván J, Tebbs V, Massana E; Topical Finasteride Study Group. Efficacy and safety of topical finasteride spray solution for male androgenetic alopecia: a phase III, randomized, controlled clinical trial. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2022 Feb;36(2):286-294. doi: 10.1111/jdv.17738. Epub 2021 Oct 25. Erratum in: J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2023 Feb;37(2):452. PMID: 34634163; PMCID: PMC9297965.

Hair Blends: Capsules

Rx-strength vegetarian capsules with active ingredients such as: Minoxidil, Finasteride, & Dutasteride, along with a comprehensive blend of vitamins & nutrients, eliminating the need for additional hair supplements.

Get a 90 day supply:
Starting at: $85

Formulation Options

Growth Capsules:


1 mg

Vitamin and Supplement Blend *

Growth PLUS Capsules:


1 mg


0.2 mg

Vitamin and Supplement Blend *

Growth PRO Capsules:


1 mg


0.65 mg

Vitamin and Supplement Blend *

* Each capsule and chew contain the following vitamins and supplements:

* Biotin, Vitamin D (2,000 IU D3), Folate, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Zinc, Selenium, Methionine

Hair Blends are compounded products which are only available if prescribed by a healthcare provider. Our providers will review your medical history and evaluate your condition to ensure the product(s) requested represent your best treatment plan. You will not be charged if you are not prescribed. You will be able to securely chat with your assigned provider via your Blends® login.

Which Formulation is ideal for me?

Growth Capsules:

Ideal for treating mild to moderate hair loss

Ideal to help prevent future hair loss

Ideal for anyone looking for an effective formulation without a DHT Blocker

Growth PLUS Capsules:

Ideal for treating moderate to significant hair loss

Ideal for anyone looking for low dose oral Finasteride for its 50% less side effect risk and similar effect on lowering DHT

Growth PRO Capsules:

Ideal for treating moderate to significant hair loss

Ideal for anyone looking to achieve maximum results

Ideal for anyone who wants a stronger alternative to oral Finasteride

How it works

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients:

Minoxidil 1 mg

Oral minoxidil increases blood flow to the metabolically active hair follicles to promote hair growth

Finasteride 0.2 mg

Inhibits DHT, a common culprit of male pattern androgenetic alopecia

Inhibits DHT, a co0.2 mg inhibits nearly the same level of DHT (70%) as the 1mg Propecia® dose withmmon culprit of male pattern androgenetic alopecia

50% less side effect risk with 0.2mg vs 1mg Propecia® dose*, with similar 70% reduction in DHT *

Dutasteride 0.65 mg

Similar in mechanism of action to Finasteride but stronger, lowering DHT levels by 90%** making it the best option for treating significant hair loss

Vitamins and Supplements:

Biotin 300 mcg

Biotin aka Vitamin B7 is essential for keratin production

Vitamin C 20 mg

Vitamin C prevents dandruff and aids in collagen production

Vitamin D 2,000 IU

Vitamin D stimulates hair growth and even in sunny climates, deficiency is common. The 2,000 IU of Vitamin D3 represents a complete daily dose

Folate 400 mcg

Folate aka Vitamin B9 - Folate is essential for cell growth, specifically it is essential for DNA synthesis

Vitamin B5 3 mg

Essential for strengthening hair. With low B5 levels hairs will begin to shed

Vitamin B6 1 mg

Aka Pyridoxine directly blocks androgen protein receptors on the hair follicles, as well provides energy that is essential for growth

Zinc 5 mg

Zinc is essential for healthy hair growth. Low zinc levels result in hair loss

Selenium 20 mcg

Selenium is an antioxidant that helps with hair growth

Methionine 10 mg

Methionine, an essential amino acid, has been shown to prolong the hair growth phase

How to use

Take one capsule by mouth once daily


Patients often notice improvement within 3-6 months, with significant improvement in 6-12 months


After 12 months continue to use to help prevent future hair loss

Works well with

Combine with Hair Blends Topical for best results

$20 bundle discount automatically applied to orders with Hair Blends Topical + Hair Blends Capsules
Safety Considerations with Hair Blends

Avoid if allergic to any ingredients

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not be in contact with product

Keep away from pets and children


** Fertig, R. M, Gamret, A. C, Darwin, E., & Gaudi, S. (2017). Sexual side effects of 5-α-reductase inhibitors finasteride and dutasteride: A comprehensive review. Dermatology Online Journal, 23(11). Retrieved from

** Drake L, Hordinsky M, Fiedler V, Swinehart J, Unger WP, Cotterill PC, Thiboutot DM, Lowe N, Jacobson C, Whiting D, Stieglitz S, Kraus SJ, Griffin EI, Weiss D, Carrington P, Gencheff C, Cole GW, Pariser DM, Epstein ES, Tanaka W, Dallob A, Vandormael K, Geissler L, Waldstreicher J. The effects of finasteride on scalp skin and serum androgen levels in men with androgenetic alopecia. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1999 Oct;41(4):550-4. PMID: 10495374.

Personalized formulas
Preservative Free & Alcohol Free

Propylene Glycol (Antifreeze) is for your car, not your scalp. Blends® topicals are preservative and Propylene Glycol (PG) free, and maintain their freshness by being made to order in small batches vs relying on harsh chemicals.

Learn more

In addition, Blends® proprietary base keeps the active ingredients naturally persevered significantly better than traditional aqueous bases that are commonly used in other topicals.

Hydrating not drying. Many hair topicals include alcohols which often dry out the scalp and lead to irritation and flaking.  Instead of harsh alcohols, Blends® uses a scalp nourishing gel base.

RX strength. Prescription treatments can’t be bought over the counter.

Cruelty Free Capsules. Blends® premium vegetarian capsules are not made from animal based gelatin. All vitamins and minerals are sourced from vegetarian origin. Blends® never tests on animals.

FDA-approved active ingredients delivered to your door

Blends® personalized solutions are clinically proven to stop hair loss and ensure your hair is as healthy as possible. And our dedicated team of providers, pharmacists, and care specialists are here to support you along the way. No waiting rooms, no pharmacy checkout lines. Get provider attention, diagnoses, and discreet treatment delivery, all on your schedule, from the comfort and privacy of your home.

No mess topicals that easily apply to the scalp

No uncomfortable dripping

Many liquid hair topicals come with medicine droppers that cause the product to drip down the scalp and make a mess. Blends® topicals use a scalp nourishing gel base that stays where it is applied.

Apply to the scalp, not in the hair

With topical sprays and foams, much of the products ends up in the hair and not the scalp.  Similarly, liquid topicals, even when applied to the scalp, end up dripping and wicking into the hairs.

This not only decreases the amount of product in contact with the scalp, it often leaves undesirable effects on the hair making it sticky and/or greasy.  Not with Blends®.  Blends® topicals are designed for maximum scalp contact directly where applied.

Blends® formulations are rooted in science, and crafted by hair restoration physicians

We love science. Nerd out with us below for a deep dive into the data.

Science behind Blends® Topicals

Beyond ingredients

Topicals with the exact same ingredients will have variable efficacy based on how they are prepared.  This is analogous to raw ingredients used by a master chef to make a fine recipe, vs pureeing all the ingredients in a blender.  While the ingredients are the same, the outcome is very different. Blends® topicals have very sophisticated and proprietary recipes, known as our master formulation records, that make our topicals so special. Simply mixing all ingredients together would not nearly yield the same results. In order to have a variety of ingredients, all with very different solubilities, dissolving properly into our gel base takes a lot of science, and very specialized laboratory equipment. Moral of the story here is that the way the ingredients are prepared is just as important as the ingredients themselves.

The Tretinoin assist

Blends® uses very low dose (0.0125%) Tretinoin that helps the active ingredients gain access to the deeper layers of the skin to the level of the hair follicles. Without this key ingredient, topical products do not have as much access to the hair follicles.

Minoxidil sweet spot

Blends® topicals use Minoxidil at 7.5% concentration. Beyond this concentration, the dose response is insignificant, meaning higher doses will not lead to a significant effect.  We find the 7.5% concentration to be the most optimal dose for minoxidil when used topically.

Dutasteride over Finasteride

Most topicals out there use Finasteride.  Instead, Blends® uses Finasteride’s stronger and larger molecular weight relative, Dutasteride, in its topicals.  As a stronger ingredient affecting two instead of one version of the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme, Dutasteride will lower the local scalp DHT levels beyond that of Finasteride. As a larger molecular weight DHT blocker, it does not experience the same transdermal absorption as Finasteride, so the DHT lower effect is maintained on the local level and not in the bloodstream. A study showed that there was no statistically significant difference in blood DHT level before and after topical Dutasteride, even in the presence of microneedling.*  Another study showed that topical Finasteride spray lowers blood DHT levels by as much as 35%.**  Our choice to use Dutasteride in our topicals over Finasteride was to minimize the risk of side effects in people who are sensitive to lowering the blood DHT level, as well as to use in combination with an oral DHT blocker in Blends® capsules for anyone who wants to not only decrease the local DHT level as best as possible but also decrease the systemic load of DHT, which of course leads to less DHT making its way to the scalp. This muti-faceted approach is analogous to decreasing traffic in an area by decrease the total amount of cars everywhere, plus, diverting away as best as possible the local traffic that still makes its way to the area. It should be noted that women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant should not be taking Finasteride or Dutasteride as they can cause birth defects in a male fetus.  Pre-menopausal women taking these medications should use proper birth control, and stop taking them immediately if beckoning pregnant.  While the risk with topical Dutasteride is lower than that of topical Finasteride (due to the lack of significant impact on blood DHT levels vs a 35% lowering with Finasteride), to be extra safe, the same recommendations apply around pregnancy and need for birth control.

* Nada, Essameldin Abdelaziz et al. “Topical dutasteride with microneedling in treatment of male androgenetic alopecia.” Southern Medical Journal 22 (2018): 387-400

** Piraccini, B M et al. “Efficacy and safety of topical finasteride spray solution for male androgenetic alopecia: a phase III, randomized, controlled clinical trial.” Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV vol. 36,2 (2022): 286-294. doi:10.1111/jdv.17738

Taking Latanoprost beyond eyelashes

Latanoprost is a medication commonly used in eye drops for the treatment of elevated eye pressure. An interesting side effect of patients using these eyedrops is that their eyelashes tend to grow longer. This same effect is also seen in the related medication bimatoprost, which is similarly used as an eyedrop for the same indication.  Bimatoprost is also sold and marketed for eyelash growth under the brand name Latisse®.  A study showed that topical Latanoprost significantly increased hair density (terminal and vellus hairs) at 24 weeks compared with baseline and the placebo-treated area*.

* Blume-Peytavi, Ulrike et al. “A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled pilot study to assess the efficacy of a 24-week topical treatment by latanoprost 0.1% on hair growth and pigmentation in healthy volunteers with androgenetic alopecia.” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology vol. 66,5 (2012): 794-800. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2011.05.026

Ketoconazole that doesn’t wash away

Ketoconazole is an ingredient found in many popular shampoos that help to treat dandruff, as well as help with hair loss. It is not exactly clear how this medication helps combat hairloss, but it is believed that it may decrease a microbial driven inflammatory reaction that causes hair thinning. A study found that 2% Ketoconazole shampoo increases hair density and proportion of anagen (growth phase) follicles, similar to that of minoxidil.* We find that adding 2% Ketoconalze to Blends® topical products yields even better results than using this ingredient in a shampoo that is quickly washed away.

* Piérard-Franchimont, C et al. “Ketoconazole shampoo: effect of long-term use in androgenic alopecia.” Dermatology (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 196,4 (1998): 474-7. doi:10.1159/000017954

The 0.2mg Finasteride Advantage

Most often, Finasteride, when taken orally, is made at the 1mg dose.  The reason for this is because the longstanding medication Propecia® uses this dose.  We now understand that there is a dose response to oral finasteride that plateaus after 0.2mg*.  What this means in excess of 0.2mg per day of Finasteride, there does not appear to be any significant further decrease in the blood DHT level.  The chart below highlights this effect.  As you can see, with 0.2mg the blood DHT levels are lowered around 70%, and increasing the dosage further, even up to 5mg, representing a 25x increase in dosage, does not have much impact on lower the DHT levels any more.  The advantage of the lower dose is that it has less side effect risks than the 1mg dose.  In fact, a study found that the incidence of decreased libido in men taking 0.2mg Finasteride was half that of 1mg**.  For this reason we find that there is no reason to increase the oral Finasteride dose beyond 0.2mg.  The option for 0.2mg Finasteride is currently only available for men, as female pattern hair loss tends to respond much better to Dutasteride than Finasteride.

* Drake, L et al. “The effects of finasteride on scalp skin and serum androgen levels in men with androgenetic alopecia.” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology vol. 41,4 (1999): 550-4.

** Fertig, Raymond M et al. “Sexual side effects of 5-α-reductase inhibitors finasteride and dutasteride: A comprehensive review.” Dermatology online journal vol. 23,11 13030/qt24k8q743. 11 Nov. 2017

Serum DHT Reduction (%)

Finasteride dosages (mg)

Oral Dutasteride for Men and Women

In cases where lowering the DHT level beyond what finasteride is capable of is indicated, we use Dutasteride instead of increasing the Finasteride dose beyond 0.2mg.  At and above 0.2mg, Finasteride does not lower blood DHT levels much above 70%.* A study showed that Dutasteride lowers DHT level as much as 90%.** This is well beyond the capabilities of Finasteride which maxes out around 70%. Oral Dutasteride is ideal for men who want to try something stronger than Finasteride. A study showed that oral Dutasteride both increases hair count and increases hair thickness significantly more than Finasteride***. While Dutasteride will have greater risk of sexual side effects in men over 0.2mg Finasteride, the vast majority of men will not have these side effects and tolerate it very well.  In fact, a study showed similar rates of sexual side effects (around 2-3%) in men taking Dutasteride as men taking Finasteride.  For this reason, we prefer the use of oral Dutasteride over oral Finasteride for men who want a stronger option than 0.2mg oral Finasteride. Another use of oral Dutasteride is for women. Female pattern hair loss tends to respond better to Dutasteride than Finasteride. A study found that an increase in hair thickness was seen more with women taking Dutasteride than Finasteride.**** The same study also found that Dutasteride performed statistically significantly better than finasteride in the age category below 50 years at the central and vertex sites of the scalp. Another study found no reports of sexual side effects in women taking Dutasteride for hair loss.***** It should be noted that women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant should not be taking Finasteride or Dutasteride as it can cause birth defects in a male fetus. Pre-menopausal women taking these medications should use proper birth control, and stop taking them immediately if becoming pregnant.

* Drake, L et al. “The effects of finasteride on scalp skin and serum androgen levels in men with androgenetic alopecia.” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology vol. 41,4 (1999): 550-4.

** Olsen, Elise A et al. “The importance of dual 5alpha-reductase inhibition in the treatment of male pattern hair loss: results of a randomized placebo-controlled study of dutasteride versus finasteride.” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology vol. 55,6 (2006): 1014-23. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2006.05.007

** Olsen, Elise A et al. “The importance of dual 5alpha-reductase inhibition in the treatment of male pattern hair loss: results of a randomized placebo-controlled study of dutasteride versus finasteride.” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology vol. 55,6 (2006): 1014-23. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2006.05.007

*** Gubelin Harcha, Walter et al. “A randomized, active- and placebo-controlled study of the efficacy and safety of different doses of dutasteride versus placebo and finasteride in the treatment of male subjects with androgenetic alopecia.” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology vol. 70,3 (2014): 489-498.e3. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2013.10.049

**** Boersma, Ids H et al. “The effectiveness of finasteride and dutasteride used for 3 years in women with androgenetic alopecia.” Indian journal of dermatology, venereology and leprology vol. 80,6 (2014): 521-5. doi:10.4103/0378-6323.144162

***** Seale, Lauren R et al. “Side Effects Related to 5 α-Reductase Inhibitor Treatment of Hair Loss in Women: A Review.” Journal of drugs in dermatology : JDD vol. 15,4 (2016): 414-9.

Low Dose Oral Minoxidil in every capsule

Low Dose Oral Minoxidil (LDOM) for the treatment of hair loss represents an off-label usage of the medication, which is normally used in oral form, at much higher dosages, for the treatment of hypertension. Interestingly, oral Minoxidil has very minimal blood pressure lowering effect for people who do not have hypertension.* LDOM has been shown to be highly effective in the treatment of both male pattern and female pattern hair loss. A study showed that 1mg of daily LDOM had similar efficacy to 5% topical Minoxidil.**  LDOM is also well tolerated with only 1.7% of patients discontinuing treatment owing to adverse effects.***  The most frequent adverse effect is hypertrichosis, or thickening body hair.  At lower doses, this is less common. A dose of 0.25mg has been shown to be effective for women and has the least risk of this adverse effect. For this reason we use the 0.25mg dose for the treatment of female pattern hair loss. For male pattern hair loss, a higher dose is needed, so we use 1mg.  While male pattern hair loss does seem to respond even better to higher doses, the rate of adverse effects increase with higher doses, so we find that the 1mg dose is ideal, especially in combination with the other active ingredients in Blends® capsules. In addition, LDOM can be combined with topical Minoxidil to get a compounded effect, while minimizing the risk of adverse effects. Similar to Finasteride and Dutasteride, oral Minoxidil should be avoided in women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant should not be taking Finasteride or Dutasteride as it can cause birth defects in a male fetus.  Pre-menopausal women taking these medications should use proper birth control, and stop taking them immediately if becoming pregnant.

* Heymann, Warren R. “Coming full circle (almost): Low dose oral minoxidil for alopecia.” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology vol. 84,3 (2021): 613-614. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2020.12.053

** Ramos PM, Sinclair RD, Kasprzak M, Miot HA. Minoxidil 1 mg oral versus minoxidil 5% topical solution for the treatment of female-pattern hair loss:A randomized clinical trial. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020;82:252–3

*** Vañó-Galván, Sergio et al. “Safety of low-dose oral minoxidil for hair loss: A multicenter study of 1404 patients.” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology vol. 84,6 (2021): 1644-1651. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2021.02.054

Get your Hair Vitamins at the same time

Blends® capsules include all the beneficial hair vitamins and minerals, replacing the need for taking additional pills. Each Blends capsule contains Biotin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Folate, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Zinc, Selenium, and Methionine. We carefully formulated our capsules to be a comprehensive treatment that replaces both traditional medications and hair supplements, in one convenience capsule, just once per day.

Science behind Blends® Capsules

Join the thousands already using Blends®

Personalized treatments to regrow and thicken hair, while preventing future loss, delivered straight to your door.